Silly Solo>>> Shuhui
Since 30/10/1993
*Turned Sweeeet Thirteen last year's 30/0ct.. Dhahas~
*Ex-Peixinian,Present-BPian,but always a BAND MEMBER ^yay^ Music, here i come>>>
*Smile everyday and be happy alwaes* :) lalalas~
*And dhat sweets and chocolates will always be dhere for Me XD


*Sleeping :D
*Doodling :D
*Music and Animal-lover X) *I love myself, my family and all my frens out there ;p <> LOVE is in the Air XD *I live to EAT Ahahahas; I love F00D X) *Love soft toys, love Sunny days, love to hang out with frens and family *Love to hab loads of fun, love to hab *loads of laff(lol) everyday, love being happy and having loads and loads of frens :)

*Just Laugh and be happy :)


My Wishlist :)

I wish to enjoy delicacies everyday... erm for free? *Ahahahas
I wish to have loads of fun and laughters everyday hahahas X)
And i wish that erm... watever i wish will always come true hahas ;p

CALLING ALL STARS--Faster grant me my wishes XD

Sing to ur hearts content but dun scare my blog away haaas XD

>>>My Melodies of Life____+*

Sorry - Buckcherry


One and Only Dearest Sister

Peixin frens links
Qian Hua
Wen Kai

BP frens links
2o5 aka LOLers
Zhi cong
Long Siang
Ai xin
Qi wei
Sie yuan
Mei Lin
Hui qing
Jian Qin
Yi Jia
Xi gua
Mr Wuguohong
BaoGong KC


Chocolate Mousse :)

Get Your Clock


*Thanks loads, Composers :D
thanks :D

edited CODES; huagek :D
PICTURE; somewhere, i forgotten :/
end product; {/imGAYE ;D


July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
May 2008

get MORE SKINS from fancygens.com
♥ Monday, May 26, 2008

BOO! lols back again second post of the day!! yay why so happy? lols okay MUST read this post very interesting (: Happy Reading!

----- Read This -----
I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulacltyuesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmnealpweor of the hmuan mnid. Aoccdrnig to arscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn'tmttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, theolny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteerbe in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotlmses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm.Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raedervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.Amzanig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas toghuht slpelingwas ipmorantt! tahts so cool!

1.) You accidentally enter your password on a microwave.
2.) You haven't played solitare with real cards for years
3.) The reason for not staying in touch with your friends is they dont have a screenname or my space
4.) You'd rather look all over the house for the remote instead of just pushing the buttons on the TV
6.) Your boss doesn;t even have the ability to do your job.
7.) As you read this list you keep nodding and smiling.
8.) As you read this list you think about sending it to all your friends.
9.) and you were too busy to notice number 5.
10.) You scrolled back up to see if there was a number 5.
11.) Now you are laughing at yourself stupidly.
12.) Put this in your profile if you fell for that, and you know you did

Now you want to copy and paste right HAHA dont need to hide cos i know already lols go on, only a few million per copy lols joking joking by the way, i also copied this haha from *Crunchyroll so credits to Crunchyroll ((:
Byes! *Adios

I *Rolled about at,,

Woo~ Uhoo haha ahhhhh Tian bao attempting to assault Zhang Lang OMG he stabbed him (OUCH!) lols Tian bao has gone berserk! Ever Since Zhiling died.., he.. he.... has been like this lol so drama haha yeah *Drama Mama (((: lols Ohh and Tian bao was shot by ZhiYuan too ahhh tragic ending of the hero haha aiya very sian waiting for all the animes to upload so long one sian )):
Just had dinner *burp lol (ehh how come so fast change subject lol nvm just act normal ;D) yah just had dinner (calm down, you just said that, relax relax, act normal remember?) lol act normal haha okay back to topic lols just now during dinner my dad says because of the Sze Chuan earthquake, there are Singapore reporters who went to China to report the daily news then the people there stayed on the streets cos their houses are destroyed then they saw the s'pore reporter and said that they've heard that the streets on s'pore are very clean, even if you sleep on the streets at night, your clothes will still be clean the next morning you wake up. lol so much for our clean and green reputation yah lols that reminds me of the whole earthquake thing its a tragic, especially alot of students and children died then their parents are heartbroken *sobs feel really very sad for them but jiayou (: many people are there to help them so jiayou ((: okay thats besides the point lol then my dad also said something abt ATM machines he said some of the foreign workers return to their hometown and tell their family that money comes out from the walls in s'pore--referring to our ATM machines lol then my sister says that the ATM "knows" how to sort money according to their values, i thought thats very clever if for me i think i will probably mess the whole thing up but of course if it was really me, it would be the best to just bring home the money lol i wouldn't be fussy about categorising the money really (: lols joking haha i am not a machine anyway, at least not one in the wall (aka the ATM) lols so boring feeling like eating ham haha yes, throw away your homework and eat ham! LOLs sian i want to watch new animes anybody have any recommendations? i think i should draw attention here okay watch me colour the fonts! lol People! Orange ((: my favourite colour haha so nice ((: okay LOOK HERE!!! Recommend me some animes!! Thank you (((: lols orange (: best colour muahahaha lol okay got to go now haha byebyes

I *Rolled about at,,

♥ Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Hey I am back (: thats like a repetiton of my title lols hmmm Dong Shan Zai Qi thats coming from me haha today HMT lorhs also never so chim now then chim only a little late abit nia lols by the way the *clang* is some spastic sound effect to create a grand feeling? lols grand feeling that my life cant be any worser ): feel like a loser ))): oh well its friday (: lol my dad watching the football match then the emcee kept mentioning a name like Suffian Anwah? lol its young lions against woodlands 2 to 1 lol then he said suffian again haha boring emcee only know one of the footballers suffian haha the bjboy?? or sth like that lols now is the news-time (the noose lol) don't get cheated by fishmongers cos there is this dan bai zhi injection thingy that they inject into the fish to make their eyeballs swell what a trick to cheat consumers of their money just some bulgy fish eyeballs and they expect consumers to fall for their trick lol they were kinda successful though(grats!) ok lame stuffs aside today i bought a bleach laser (: ichigo's face so cool *blushes* lol my dad found out that the lens of the laser has been modified to project an image of *Ichigo's face *screams* i think i have like spent over at least 30 bucks on buying bleach's erm stuffs lol those pendents, pokercards, stickers, keychains and comic etc etc and this laser today my mum say got 50 already but i am humble lol at least 30 haha bleach so cool i like grimmjow too but his "released" form very funny haha ichigo still cooler yays oh yeah i think i going to change my url not confirm yet still pending haha so be prepared to relink me haha ok thats about all for today going to offline soon byebyes

Tomorrow is saturday, the third saturday without band practice.
I miss everybody terribly )):
The days we slogged at the field
and now the field is lonely and empty
No more sounds of drum echoes in the air
No more soggy muddy shoes
No more formations and gimmicks
No more music
No more marching
I hate saturdays like that --

I *Rolled about at,,

♥ Monday, November 19, 2007

Hellos peeps haha just learnt this word today lols as in i just found out that people can actually be addressed as peeps today hahaha dun laugh at me ok lols so thanks to dhe Tuba section leader haha *Suffian!!! lols if any of his section member sees this lols tell him to come visit my blog ok haha thank you ahh and remember to tag before u leave hahaha sampad lols and i also learnt something new today lol i found out that vocabulary cannot be like spelled as vocabularies hahaha funny sehh i have been doing that wrong spelling thingy for many many many times larhs and this is like dhe first time someone corrected me hahaha thanks lol yeohq and limse hahaha i like am really bad at spelling thing larhs dunnoe why but i just suck at it hahaha maybe i should go ask my mum about it and her past spelling experiences haha i remember larhs when i was in primary school like primary 5 or 6 lol when we were still having this spelling tradition thing lol then one of dhe word we had to spell was like *Chocolate Mousse lol issit correct hahaha still scared that i would spell it wrongly hahaha okk *Chocolate Mousse haha then i spell it as *Chocolate Moose haha u know is a kind of big deer thing lol i think is like dhe reindeer lol issit dunnoe larhs but i go spell dhe mousse as moose larhs funny lehhs hahaha then like dhe class's best speller lol as in my class's top girl sitting next to me larhs then i show her lol cos very funny then i want to share dhe joke with someone hahaha then she very bad larhs still laugh at me lols stupid sehh XDD kk brb lol go find some songs haha ehhhs anybody gort watch dhe Tian Tang Niao thingy lol very stupid lehhs dhe show Nu xu dang jia so much nicer but i missed out dhe last episode ahhhh cos chalet then barbeque then we go shower late so miss diao lols kk brb :) yo peeps back haha ehhhs i cannot concentrate on blogging lerhs lols cos my bleach is loading!!! ahhhh excited lols Ichigo lols XDD kk i go watch bleach lerhs lol haven even blogged about dhe main content haha kk i blog about it next time lols now really ahhhh BLEACH!!!! lols kk srys peeps :p blog again buhbyes :)
*Adios XD

I *Rolled about at,,

♥ Friday, November 16, 2007

Yo yo lols still in "pump-it" mood?? haha nah no mood now lols loading bleach episode 47 *Dhe Avengers now yays haha so come blog lols chalet over lerhs so quick lol didn't really sleep at dhe chalet thing so i broke my record lols dhe latest was 5am lols i mean *was that means dhe really latest one is *is lol around 7 plus maybe 8? lols after dhe sunrise larhs lol then i remember i had stomach ache tong dao wo yao si lorhs lol then after that around 3am plus after midnight lol still awake stomach still a bit pain then go eat maggie noodles cos nutting to do lols then i ate dhe korean ramen spicy lol (wrong order haha) kk then stomach ache again but this time is really tong dao~ lol can faint larhs hahaha then erm alot of things larhs lol but very very damn tired now lols need to go watch bleach lerhs lol yesterday didn't watch cos my sister using dhe computer sad lol then i bleach-sick hahaha yays bleach rocks!!! Ichigo~ haha he damn pro damn cool larhs haha but renji also very good haha though i dun really like him at first lols zaraki kenpachi! yays lol he very very strong dhe 11th division's captain 11th division dhe strongest sehh so cool but Ichigo beat Ikkaku and Zaraki!! kk lol i go change colour first must highlight dhe bleach part haha yays okk back hahaha yes Ichigo gambate lol train for ur bankai quick quick then go beat Byakuya yay lol so excited about that part lols kk too excited lerhs lol go watch bleach now haha next time when i post then i add on dhe rest of dhe many things lol :) yay yay bleach!!! buhbyes
*Adios XD

I *Rolled about at,,

♥ Thursday, November 08, 2007

Lols lame title haha i typed Its a Thursday for dhe title lol yays tomorrow friday can go out play lerhs :) KYAHOO~! lols gintama Kagura chan hahas funny lols i love this anime yays and ouran high school host club X) so funny lols re-watching bleach now Rukia so rock i like her lols yays chalet coming too haha 12, 13, 14 can play whole day lols but still having finish homework yet lols sian
Hellos lols hello again? cos today friday lerhs haha didn't post yesterday cos watching bleach and eating my cucumber haha going to try Japanese Cucumber later :) Nu xu dang jia nice lol but monday jiu da jie ju lerhs she bu de nehhs never mind me and my tweety yue hao monday 8-10 pm we watching hey gorgeous and dear dear son-in law haha ba television lol excuse me book lerhs hor cannot come snatch with me lol gen wo qiang=snatch with me haha yays daren sing so nice lols ahh ya about singing lols we go kbox today dajie, tweety, xiba, me and qiu qiu lol at first is leng chang one lol we go in choose song for around 5 minutes then we sing soft soft gort mic no mic oso that volume lol pro lehhs like that haha then after that dajie and tweety started singing first lol all *zao siah one lol u know run-tone haha pao yin lehhs but after that qiuwen want sing take mic but never sing into dhe mic lol funny sehh du tai duo shu lerhs lol then later we started singing as in really sing lol then sing wu ding lol funny cos gort two then they say wu zhong xian that one weird weird lol but me and my tweety say nice haha tweety hi-5 lol then jiu choose another one but that one is ehh two girls lol shou qian shou sing that song lols i think that one is they go can jia dhe jie mu then they sing one lols kk dun care about them lerhs lol then dao dhe sun yanzi dhe di yi ci lol that song we jiu high liao lols dun why then very fast mahhs anyhow anyhow say lols sampad then funny larhs cos we dian ge gort dhe list thingy then gort one singer is wat Mao Ah Min lols then i tell qiuqiu then i everytime say wrong lols i everytime say ah mao lol her name funny sehh lols then we sing sing sing then 12 plus plus go eat bento i gort 3 extra octopus lols as in baby octopus cos qiuqiu dun want then my tweety oso dun want but cos i take qiuqiu one lerhs so tweety give dajie hers lols nice larhs i like but very guilty lol cos they very small then so red so cute then still eat them so i jiu guilty lols then after that we zai 50 minutes li mian squeeze in 26 songs lol pro ehh haha our strategy: lol every song half jiu eject hahaha funny strategy lols but very guan yong :D yays nice kbox lol but very cold larhs then after that we chu lai chiong toilet lols very cold then very ji hahaha it was 2 then lol then we go dhe imm there shop 3 hours buy until dajie pok lol she bring 70 bucks out and 4 bucks home hahaha ke lian lols we go buy chalet de things cup noodles tidbits etc lols we very chou dao larhs lol still gort bread and cereal lols then me and xiba at dhe giant play lols she sampad one haha her bag gou dao dhe trolley dhe handle there then she come tell me lols then hor her face hor aiyo lol sampad XP haha ehh then after we buy dhe things lerhs then cos alot of scores have to settle mahhs lol we dun have pen cos write down everything better lol so we very very very clever yays :) haha we go popular jie bi yong hahaha ting~ so smart of us :) then aiya almost forget this lol we go one shop *Xi men ding i think lols we go there buy something then dhe shopkeeper very cute nehhs lols her voice hor very special lols dunnoe how to explain sehh lol cos we go there then we saw dhe figurine thingy as in dhe one with dhe big heads then their head will shake shake shake one u know lol at mini toons ehh no not mini toons i think at lot 1 dhe more than words there have lol then we saw a mickey mouse one there quite cute larhs lol dhe head shake shake one lol then we discussing dhe use of dhe black panel on it then dajie say calculator lol then i say should be solar panel then take in light energy jiu can shake head lerhs lol then dhe shopkeeper oso cha yi tui jin lai lols as in she was attending to another customer then she suddenly talk to us haha funny lol then she say "Ahh dui bu yong dian chi de zhe ge ne shi yong zhe ge(pointing to dhe black panel) lai rang te ne cao zuo de shi cong Japan jin huo de bu xiang qi ta de dian jiu zhi shi yi ge tou zai yao te ne hai you mickey de ne..." lols and blah blah blah haha this is call *Kou shui duo guo cha lols her voice like very ci xiang like that lol as in like she is hoaxing a crying boy haha ci mu shou zhong xian lols then cos we buy lerhs then go walk around mahhs then we came back to dhe shop again lol as in we were about to pass dhe shop lol then we *ba lek=*gos tan=go backwards lol as in we go "hide" at one corner lol cos we scared later dhe shopkeeper see us walk pass then la wo men jin qu lol but she busy larhs so we bai sampad yi chang haha lol ehhs my bleach finish loading long time ago lerhs lol i go watch haha buhbyes :)
*Adios XD

I *Rolled about at,,

♥ Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Yo yo yo lol feeling so rock today hahas yo people lols cos just now i go listen to dhe Black eye peas de pump it lol old song haha then i go learn dhe rap lol yo so cool yo lol *pump it (louder) yo pump it hahas aiya i gort pictures to post lol but dhe handphone cable not working so lousy one lols okk never mind I want to tell yall something *Ahhem listen hor lols
*Cheesecakes are very nice lols thats all hahaha kk no serious cheesecakes are very nice I love 'em lol yo i love 'em lols so rock haha dhe 'em u know lol Then one more thing about Cheesecakes lol U know dhe Tampines dhe Ikea there inside dhe Ikea dhe cafe on dhe second floor right in front of dhe lift lol kk dhe cafe there larhs sell dhe cheesecakes DAMN nice lol dun look down on dhe piece of yellow sponge i mean cake lol as in dhe cheesecake u know lol very nice larhs made me fall in love with it haha *yucks lol kk cheesecakes aside first lol ehhs people this colour dhe font nice? lol i quite like lehhs maybe i will change to this colour bahhs today first trial haha :) yays
Next up! *change colour first lol* Next up--Cucumbers! yays lols as in not dhe big ones dhe baby baby ones lol nice lehhs i like oso lols so crunchy and so green lols from Thailand not bad arhhs lol ehh nutting else to say about dhe cucumber lerhs lol just very nice and crunchy and best eaten with SALT yays haha as in it taste good without dhe salt but i like to eat it with salt my mum recommended me to put salt one lol cos she find it abit too fresh without dhe salt thing lols
okk Last up lol change colour again :)
Last up (hey nice green lol yo nice green man yo) Goldilocks Butter Macaroons lols nice sehh it is one of those food that taste better than it looks lol wait i go find dhe picture from internet yays i so clever XD okk back yays lol found one picture of it as in gort others but only this one is of dhe right colour lols others gort brown, red etc lol then gort two is black one lol tsktsktsk jialat lol burnt macaroons lol kk wait i go upload dhe pictures :) yo pictures here i come yo
Yays look its butter macaroons lol
Yes it looks like this dun go eee lols *Looks are deceiving people yo lol looks are yoyo decei.. yoyo deci.. yoyo deceiving haha sampad lol
Ehhs then this right hmm looks yummy hor lol i go find dhe butter macaroons de pictures mahhs lol then i found THIS! lols Fish pie :) hahas cos gort dhe recipe thing then i go see mahhs but is actually recipe for this fish pie thing lol then i find it yummy (dun say that looks are deceiving hor *it taste like how it looks--waaaah self-contradicting myself ahhh sampad lol) happy admiring and remember to clean away dhe pool of saliva over there :) lols just a friendly reminder haha
Ehhs ppl actually gort another one as in another thing i want to recommend lols but i dun like that one is my mum like lol but wait i go upload pictures of cheesecakes first haha BRB! lol meanwhile yall can try and pronounce dhe BRB thing lols XD
Waah look big sehh and yummy lol muacks cheesecakes muacks lol love 'em yo haha sampad XP wait i scale down lol okk this size better
okk dhe i-dun-like-but-my-mum-like thing lol Its Kasugai i think as in its on dhe package then i found its picture it looks like this! (see below lol)
Its a Japan production and it looks like dhe peas tidbits thingy go supermarkets or mama shop then can see one yarrs it looks like that peas thing but tastes far from it lol
It's actually Wasabi peas lol and taste damn *whoah not yucky not yummy lols it tastes like how wasabi should taste like haha i dun like larhs but my mum likes she say very shiok lols siao XP but very style lols can go pian ren jia haha Kasugai lols
kk back to this colour again haha yays I gort my mp3 back lol but dhe shop say huan4 xin1 de4 give me lol good haha then somemore right dhe time i bought is 512 mb only mahhs then change lerhs right dhe new one is 1 gk one lol shiok sehh haha so bad XD shhh dun go tell them lols shhh ahh yes we friday going kbox lol yays finally lehhs we going out lerhs but go kbox later nobody sing then very paisehh hahaas never mind we all very bui paiseh one lol except for me lols jkjk XD ahh yes tell yall something lols i gort red hair! lols that time i doing dhe maths mahhs then very pekchey jiu fondle with my hair lols then gort one red hair drop out haha i want go laminate and keep under my pillow lols sampad XD kk go watch anime lerhs :) buhbyes
*Adios :)

I *Rolled about at,,

♥ Tuesday, October 30, 2007

LOL yays its my birthday yall know lol must remember this date haha
so since its my birthday i... I... I made so changes! lol only one larhs actually
I changed dhe colour of my font! yays lol
and my fonts are bigger
and i dun cram my words together
lol as in cos i press enter mahhs so
dhe words dun appear to be crammed together
in this post-box here lol (post-box?)
yays i am fourteen lerhs
Lol from flamingtext so cheapskate lols
dhe megapixel thingy so not clear
so lan4 lols
30 oct yays hahas
*Ring ring lols hold on i gort call lols
_____YADA YADA_____
______YADA YADA_____
_____YADA YADA_____
______YADA YADA_____
lols back haha eeee gort phone call again lols
okk my mum's call haaas
okk ehhs ugly pattern lehhs dhe yada yada one
lol heck care larhs
1.^^^YADA YADA^^^
2.*....YADA YADA....*
3.====YADA YADA====
lol experimenting which is nicer hahaha
i think dhe second one nicer lols
yada yada hahaas
October is coming to an end and its November soon lols
(everybody knows that XP) lols
November u know
we are having a CLASS CHALET!! lols
excited sehh
*rub hands
*rub fingers
*rub feet
*rub toes
*rub face*
*rub... lols need so excited mahhs
rub here rub there lols
po4 pi2 lerhs lol
and oso Band Camp
yays i get to tan again haha
*Rudolf rudolf rudolf lols
Jiayou bahhs :) *Whoah!
ahh and dhe whole load of homework
sickening sickening sickening
lol never mind
i am best at *Choing-ing
lol though for my speed
you carn really call it choing
lol choing or not choing
I oso that speed one lol
okk once again
haaas yays
I am an
October Baby
October Baby
October Baby
okk blog again buhbyes
*Adios XD

I *Rolled about at,,